Monday, March 3, 2014

2nd Amendment

The second amendment states the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Over the past couple of years many incidents with shoot outs have raised the issue of whether or not people should still have this right. In this video the man argues for our constitutional right to bear arms. He feels that this is important because " he has also suffered his own tragedies and horrors,
 there are many who've given their lives both literally (like his friends), and figuratively(like himself), to defend these rights. He believes they are important to law abiding people, so they can't be unraveled because the actions of the criminally insane few have taken lives. The rights of the living take precedence over grief for the dead. He believes that historically when we've made important decisions motivated by fear and grief rather than logic, it's resulted in horrible things. 

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